External Link: https://www.ncdot.gov/download/performance/2040_challengeopp.pdf
Year Published: 2011
Publisher: North Carolina Department of Transportation

"This Challenges and Opportunities report is the first in a series of reports that documents the
preparation of the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) update of its Statewide
Transportation Plan (STP), the 2040 Plan. The purpose of this report is to create a context for the
preparation of a 30‐year plan for the delivery of transportation infrastructure and services in the state.
The report defines baseline conditions in terms of both transportation systems and the social and
economic forecasts that must drive transportation program delivery. It identifies a series of
transportation challenges that the plan must address and the opportunities available for addressing
those challenges. "
-Taken from the executive summary

Related Components: Component 1: Strategic Direction
Related TPM Areas: General