NCHRP Report 08-36, Task 104
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Year Published: 2012
Publisher: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Standing Committee on Planning

"To help advance the state of the practice in performance-based planning and programming, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standing Committee on Planning sponsored a series of three pilot studies. The objectives of this effort were to:
• Move the conversations of transportation performance measures and performance-based planning and programming from that of a conceptual framework to realistic examples;
• Examine how state DOTs can work with regional and local stakeholders in relating national transportation performance measures to the state and regional levels; and
• Identify barriers and obstacles for integrating performance measures into the planning and programming process, and document strategies used to overcome them and additional strategies that might be considered in the future. "
-Taken from the executive summary

Related Components: Component B: External Collaboration
Related TPM Areas: General