External Link: http://planbayarea.org/file10232.html
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments

"From late April through May, some 600 Bay Area residents attended a series of open houses hosted by
ABAG and MTC to kick off the Plan Bay Area 2040 update. The open houses were designed
consistent with the adopted MTC 2015 Public Participation Plan to:
• Introduce the public to the Plan Bay Area 2040 update process, key milestones and issues under
• Review the linkages between the regional plan and local transportation and land use priorities
• Review and seek comments on the goals and performance framework for the 2040 update
• Conduct the open houses in the evenings at convenient, transit-accessible locations
• Maximize interaction with the public, provide personalized attention and gather as much
feedback as possible."
-Taken from the background section

Related Components: Component 1: Strategic Direction
Related TPM Areas: General